Friday, January 18, 2008

My New Party!!!

Hi CP Lovers!!
Can't wait for my AMAZING party! Shanti, can you ask Amy and/or Pingoley to come, too? I alreay called 2 of my cp friends to meet then. I can't wait! Shanti, you can come, right? I hope so.

Ways to say "Yes"
Spanish and Italian:
French: oui
German and Dutch and Norwegian: Ja
Portuguese: sim
Russian: да
Chinese: 是的
Japanese: はい


Wyatt Counterman said...

Yes is such a fun word!

Zorbaks said...

Hey wyatt, i'm from
You have great site! And this post is fun;) Could you please add meto ur blogroll. I alerdy add you! Alos, when you have party?

Shanti said...

hey im confused at what time we are meeting you? could you helppppppppppp me?

Wyatt Counterman said...

7:00! AM CP time! Mittens UK! Iceburg! And yes Zorbaks, I'll add you.

Wyatt Counterman said...

Sorry. The party's at at Canada- Snowbound- Iceburg.

Wyatt Counterman said...

Its at 7:30!!!!! NOT 7:00!!!!!!